Six words can speak volumes

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Can you describe your job in just six words? We found lots of people who could during our recent contest on the Supply Chain Expert Community. In fact, there were so many great entries, we had a tough time narrowing down the list to arrive at just one winner—so you’ll see the top 10 below. We asked members of the community, “What’s your six-word job description?” and encouraged them to craft responses that were thought-provoking, compelling, and definitely humorous. The idea for the contest came from a literary legend. Ernest Hemingway was purportedly challenged to write a six-word story. His creation: “For sale: baby shoes, never worn.” Inspired by this, Smith Magazine has created the Six-Word Memoirs project, which served as further inspiration for our contest. So, without further ado, here is the top 10: 10. The Guru of Dysfunctional Systems Mergers (submitted by Erick Teas) 9. Provide psychological support for frustrated users (submitted by Nancy McCormick) 8. Connecting customer and suppliers without crashing (submitted by Dwight Thomas) 7. "Enough" inventory--no more, no less (submitted by Joe Sell) 6. Referee between sales and finance. Help! (submitted by Karolina Troup) 5. Keeper of the S&OP crystal ball (submitted by Scott Meyer) 4. Walker of tightrope of supply/demand (submitted by Miles Qu) 3. Battling Sales and Marketing S&OP indifference (submitted by Dave Jordan) 2. Plan, RePlan, Repeat twice, forget it (submitted by Mike Norris) And the winner is: 1. "Captain Vendor Defender," referee and psychologist (submitted by Traci Nichols, who won a Toshiba Mini Netbook) Think you can top these? Share your six-word job description in the comments section! To see all of the entries, visit the contest discussion thread in Supply Chain Expert Community.


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- Januar 08, 2011 at 12:19am
[...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Kinaxis. Kinaxis said: Six words can speak volumes #SCM [...]

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