What are Companies Looking for When Hiring in Supply Chain?

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This guest post comes to us from Argentus Supply Chain Recruiting, a boutique recruitment firm specializing in Supply Chain Management.

From time to time, Argentus’ recruiters give talks to people entering the field of Supply Chain at venues like APICS, Centennial College, Rotman University, and others. The reason we do this is to do our small part in the immense task of helping ready the next generation of Supply Chain talent to face what experts predict will be a shortage of professionals in the field in the coming years. These informative networking events help us because they introduce us to new candidates. They help us expand our network at the junior end of the spectrum, while giving us the opportunity to strengthen those individuals’ career prospects by giving them as much info as we can about personal branding and skills development. The biggest question we hear at these events is this: what exactly are organizations looking for when hiring Supply Chain Professionals, in terms of skills and presentation ability? In our conversations with dozens of industry leaders and clients, some solid big-picture trends emerge. We put together this infographic highlighting the major areas of skills, strategic potential and polish that hiring managers are looking for when they’re looking to build their teams. An individual with a combination of the hard and soft skills we lay out below is well-situated for rapid career progression within Supply Chain – perhaps not surprisingly, people who possess this “total package” are hard to find. Take a look, and see how your skills stack up:

There is of course more to be said about each of these areas. This infographic is meant to provide an easily-digestible visual overview of the skills today’s SCM professionals need to succeed. Dig into the Argentus archives for some more detailed analysis of how Supply Chain professionals can work to develop their skills for strategic leadership roles.


- Februar 18, 2016 at 8:47am
Hi I'm interested in getting into this field do have the best way to start where to go any advice greatly appreciated

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