At Last…My First Four Weeks At Kinaxis

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[caption id="" align="alignright" width="200" caption="At Last! (Photo credit: Wikipedia)"]At Last![/caption] It’s the end of my first four weeks as a Kinaxian (aka Kinaxis employee), and you can queue the nightclub lullaby sung so warmly by Etta James. This romance started back in 2011 when I was researching planning solutions as a Systems Analyst at First Solar, Inc.  I stumbled across the Kinaxis website and watched a marketing video that showed the creation of a scenario…love at first sight. Luckily for me, First Solar hired Shellie Molina, who had leveraged the software at previous organizations. A few months later, we were attending Kinexions and she was signing on the dotted line. From the beginning, I looked at implementing RapidResponse as the opportunity of my career.  But, I’m not sure I realized exactly how big of an opportunity it was. The next two years were so fun! We implemented demand/supply balancing, full integration to 4 source systems, a custom production planning solution and integrated project management. It was a whirlwind. The thing that I loved the most about my job was how much I was able to say ‘yes’ to my customers. The platform was so flexible that I could do almost anything.  I was limited only by my imagination. As I worked with so many Kinaxis employees throughout the implementation, I was repeatedly impressed at the knowledge, experience and spirited approach of the group. The more interaction that I had, the more intrigued I became. So, when I discovered there was an opening on the Solution Demonstration team, I was very excited to travel to Ottawa, meet the team and interview for the role. I am excited to be a Kinaxian.  As a member of the Solution Demonstration team, I will be focused on positioning RapidResponse as the best solution for new potential customers. I will have an opportunity to expand on my knowledge of supply chain across different industries. Over the last 4 weeks, I have not been disappointed. Kinaxis is brimming with helpful people who are experts on the product and, also, in supply chain best practices. I’m most looking forward to picking their brains at every chance presented. So, queue the music, at last…

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