News Release

Kinaxis Introduces SAP APO Customers an Upgrade Path to its Cloud-Based RapidResponse Supply Chain Planning Offering

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Kinaxis Inc. (TSX: KXS) (“Kinaxis”), provider of RapidResponse®, a cloud-based SCM and S&OP offering, today announced a formal upgrade program for current SAP Advanced Planning and Optimization (APO) customers in light of SAP’s intentions to discontinue standard support for their APO suite.

“With an unsupported future for APO, Kinaxis is offering SAP customers an upgrade path to our cloud-based RapidResponse product. Numerous enterprises have already replaced APO modules with RapidResponse, so today we are announcing a formal upgrade program to support further adoption of our proven alternative,” said Douglas Colbeth, President and CEO of Kinaxis. "Our rapid deployment capabilities coupled with the consistently proven results of our offering enables Kinaxis to make this compelling proposition to companies.”

Kinaxis was one of the first to bring the business advantages of cloud solutions to the supply chain management software market. Cloud offerings are often easier to implement and integrate, leverage a single platform for better performance and user adoption, and offer superior solution flexibility and faster innovation cycles. Many large enterprises with the most complex supply chains in the world have already chosen and subscribe to Kinaxis RapidResponse and have achieved improved customer satisfaction levels, productivity, and significant cost savings as a result.

This program is available immediately for SAP APO customers who are Kinaxis qualified prospects. Contact Kinaxis for more information.

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