News Release

Kinaxis Named 2015 TSX Tech Stock of the Year by Cantech Letter

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Kinaxis® (TSX:KXS), provider of RapidResponse®, delivering cloud-based SCM and S&OP applications, has been named the 2015 TSX Tech Stock of the Year by Cantech Letter. The Canadian technology magazine also recognized Doug Colbeth, Chairman of the Kinaxis Board of Directors, as the TSX Tech Executive of the Year.

“We are honored to be recognized as the 2015 TSX Tech Stock of the Year,” said Richard Monkman, Kinaxis’ Chief Financial Officer. “This award highlights our company’s continued success, and reflects the confidence placed in us by our many customers, partners, and investors. We take that confidence they have entrusted in us very seriously and work hard every day to continue to earn it. Our success since the IPO a year-and-half ago would not have happened without our talented Board of Directors, strong executive leadership team, and passionate and dedicated employees who make this company a true Canadian success story.”

The 2015 TSX Tech Stock of the Year is awarded to the company more than two dozen industry research analysts determined had the strongest performance over the past year. It is based on results of an anonymous poll conducted by Cantech Letter.

"Kinaxis is a more than deserving recipient of the 2015 TSX Tech Stock of the Year and Mr. Colbeth of the Executive of the Year," said Cantech Letter Founder and Editor Nick Waddell. "The company's success should serve as a beacon to other innovators considering the public route that the capital markets are thriving for technology in Canada and will reward companies that execute."

Also recognized by Canadian Business as the top performing stock of 2015, Kinaxis was officially added to the S&P/TSX Composite Index in late December following its remarkable growth over the first three quarters of the year.

“While I’m grateful to be receiving this special recognition, I want to emphasize that it is our amazing employees who truly deserve the credit,” said Colbeth, who officially stepped down as CEO at the end of 2015 and was succeeded by company veteran John Sicard. “Without their hard work, commitment to our customers, and continued drive to innovate, we would never have developed into the industry leader we are today.”

Kinaxis will officially release its 2015 year-end results in mid-February.

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