is our currency.

Agility and predictability with the #1 supply chain management platform.


See how it Works

Feeding more than 35M pets nutritious meals.
Facilitating more than 50K scenarios monthly to improve supply chain performance.
Supporting every NASA human space mission since 1997.
Delivering 3M vaccine doses daily to protect the global population.
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Dr. Reddys Logo

What will you do next time?

The world has changed and agility matters more than ever. Will your teams be empowered with the right answers?

We build AI-driven supply chain management software that delivers the agility needed to absorb today’s disruptions.

How we're different.

Our proprietary concurrent supply chain techniques give you end-to-end orchestration capability across time horizons, business processes and organizational boundaries.

Concurrency connects people when they need it most to keep the world moving forward.

One platform. Full concurrency.


No more staging and aging of siloed data. No more arguments about whose data is more true. One version of truth to rule them all. No more secrets between functions. No more accidental misalignment. Clear and instant understanding of cause and effect as changes occur at any point of the supply chain – from tip to toe. 

Speed to detect will lead to speed to correct. Anyone can simulate anything at any time and know the impact of a decision before making it. No more tribal guess work. 


Decisions made in one organization can help or hinder another. Supply chain is a team sport, and as such, teammates must rely on, and work collaboratively to ultimately win as a team. The collaboration goes across company boundaries, includes suppliers, customers and partners, and spans multi-enterprise networks. 

No more custom code. Processes must be mutatable and flexible to absorb continuous change in business conditions and expectations. 


Leveraging the best combination of AI / machine learning, optimization and heuristics to smartly automate transactions end to end. Processes keep themselves in check through self-learning and the latest AI, including machine learning and deep-learning techniques.

Let's talk.

We're here to help you take your supply chain transformation to the next level.