
It’s the next logical step in your Maestro journey (formerly known as RapidResponse®).

Recognizing your Maestro skills

Why get certified?

Gain a competitive advantage by validating your skills and expertise with Kinaxis Maestro. We provide certifications to suit organizational and individual goals at different levels of concentration. Our credentials provide an objective measurement of technical and solution proficiency so you can:


Validate your skills

Validate your Maestro skills by earning credentials recognized in the industry and claiming digital certification badges to showcase your skills mastery.


Increase usage

Increase optimal usage and adoption of Maestro.



Enhance your skills

Enhance your Maestro troubleshooting skills and reduce basic how-to questions.


Establish yourself as an expert

Establish yourself as an expert by employing Kinaxis best practices across your organization.

Register today to get certified

As a Maestro user, you’ve invested your time to become more proficient with Maestro. Now it’s time to validate your skills.


Get your Kinaxis certification today

We’re all about empowering planners, business leaders and IT professionals to make fast, confident decisions.  Kinaxis certification exams are delivered by Kryterion using the Webassessor tool.


Select the exam

Find information on certification exams currently available here.

The Kinaxis Certification Program consists of general paths aimed at Maestro Administrators, Authors and Contributors. Each path consists of different levels of certification, allowing participants to delve deeper and advance their knowledge in tandem with their skill set. 


Register for the exam

You’ll be asked to provide the following registration information when creating a new account for your Kinaxis certification exam: phone, company, job title, department, relationship to Kinaxis, credit card info, mailing address and business email. Important note: Upon completion of the exam, be sure to save your results in the unlikely event there is any issue. Providing accurate contact information will allow Kinaxis to contact you regarding any certification support issues.


Accept agreement

Before taking any Kinaxis exam, you’ll be required to accept and acknowledge the Kinaxis confidentiality and non-disclosure agreement. You will NOT be able to proceed with the exam until you have read and accepted the terms of this agreement. If you want to review in advance, you’ll find the candidate agreement here. The examinee agrees to hold the Kinaxis certification exam information in strict confidence, not to disclose exam contents to any third parties, and not to reproduce the exam contents in any way.

Levels of certification

The Kinaxis Certification Program consists of general paths aimed at Maestro Administrators, Authors and Contributors. Each path consists of different levels of certification, allowing participants to delve deeper and advance their knowledge in tandem with their skill set. 

Kinaxis Maestro Certification Levels


I am a 10 plus year Author and Admin. The certifications have expanded and reinforced my knowledge.”
Anonymous Consultant

Discover, Deliver, Grow

With support and continuous learning services Body: At Kinaxis we give individuals or teams the opportunity to expand their Maestro knowledge and skills with support along the way.

Continuous Learning Services Support Services

Contact us here for help with getting certified

With a Kinaxis certification, you’ll grow your confidence as you fortify your skills, bring innovation and clarity to your work, and drive a greater competitive advantage for your company.

Contact us to start