App building made easy with Kinaxis Developer Studio

Build, certify, and license custom Maestro™ applications.

Create your own custom apps and algorithms

Maestro (formerly known as RapidResponse®) is the first and only AI-infused supply chain orchestration platform that lets you create custom, interconnected applications, and algorithms – and leverage external algorithms in practical, profitable ways across your supply chain.

Our Developer Studio makes it easy to design data models and integration jobs, configure business logic using scripts, automation, and machine learning, and develop visualizations and reports. Once your application is complete, package it all up for easy licensing and deployment. You can even certify your app with Kinaxis to ensure it meets our high standards of security and excellence.

App Building


Create and run your own embedded algorithms

Ever dreamed of having the strength and speed of Maestro’s always-on intelligence engine at your fingertips? Now you can leverage our platform and the Kinaxis Developer Studio to create your own custom logic that runs within Maestro.

View our brochure


Take advantage of best-of-breed external algorithms.

Take full advantage of investments you’ve made in optimization and machine-learning algorithms by seamlessly connecting them to Maestro. Run the calculations. Import the results. And presto, you’ve got an easy API-based way to extend your logic library.


Not a coder? Not a problem.

Our low-touch/no-touch authoring experience lets you build resources like workbooks, dashboards, and scorecards all without ever needing to write a single line of code. And our Developer Studio provides the ability to build more advanced code-based innovations.


Fast, affordable custom apps.

Building custom apps and algorithms with Kinaxis is incredibly efficient because you don’t have to start from scratch. Development happens on top of our solid, secure Maestro platform, which was built based on decades of supply chain and industry expertise.


Best-in-class usability.

Positioned as a leader by industry analyst Gartner in 10 consecutive reports, we’re well recognized for having superior usability and supply chain functionality. Maestro’s core capabilities include smart collaboration, what-if scenarios, and practical applications for AI and machine learning.

Join a community of like-minded developers

Our community of passionate partners, customers, and dedicated Kinaxis experts is one of the many things that makes us great. Our Kinaxis Knowledge Network is an online sanctuary where you can connect, share, and engage with fellow developers. Ask questions. Get answers. And be part of something amazing.

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Learn more about Maestro

Explore our platform

Looking for something out of the box?

We’ve got you covered. All our Kinaxis-built applications are easily configurable, so you can get a personalized experience without having to create it yourself. And with RapidStart, you can start seeing results in just twelve weeks.

Explore our solutions Jump-start with RapidStart