What does mobile, project management, and data integration have in common?

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They are the focus of our latest RapidResponse release. The Gartner Supply Chain Executive Conference continues today and we took the opportunity to unveil powerful new RapidResponse capabilities.  I thought I would share some highlights.


  • access to “live” executive and operational dashboards on any tablet of choice
  • have uninterrupted visibility to the current state of the supply chain and make decisions regardless of location

Integrated Project Management:

  • manage  projects in the same system you manage your supply chain
  • gain an accurate view of how a project is impacted by supply chain disruptions, or conversely, how a project change alters supply chain requirements
  • link project management “what-if” analysis capabilities to supply chain analytics to accurately calculate the implications of changes

Rapid Supply Chain Data Integration

  •  new integration layer facilitates rapid integration and automation among heterogeneous system environments with multiple data sources
  • closed-loop integration to disparate transactional systems ensures companies operating in multi-application environments can work in near real-time

By the way, we are tweeting from the Gartner conference.  Follow #Gartnerscc, @kinaxis, or @milesahead for live commentary on the events.

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