RIP Google Reader - but the Blog lives on!

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If you, like me, get your blogs aggregated through Google reader, you were shocked to discover that Google Reader is going away as of July 1st.

I had a moment of panic when I contemplated having to actually visit the various web pages for the blogs I read on a regular basis.  However a quick search later (yes, on Google) I discovered Feedly.  I gave Feedly permission to access my Google reader information and in seconds I had it working in the same way Google reader worked for me.  Further, Feedly has some very nice layout options that are actually an improvement on my traditional Google reader experience. For more options, here are some articles talking about Google Reader alternatives:

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Joanna Hauser
- mars 18, 2013 at 4:03pm
Thanks John! Feedly looks great and it couldn't have been easier to make the switch.
- mars 24, 2013 at 4:29pm
Thanks for the tip about Feedly, John. I'm so bummed Google Reader is being discontinued but it sounds like Feedly will not only be a replacement but also an improvement.

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