2485-2496 of 2531 items
If it wasn’t so depressing, I’d laugh. Last week, we discovered that one of the leading studies that has been driving the EU Austerity policy is flawed. Why? An Error in an Excel spreadsheet. The Eurozone Crisis really hit its stride in 2010 when several …
A few weeks ago, Trevor Miles wrote a blog series entitled, “Truth, Lies, and Statistical Modeling in Supply Chain: Part 1 , Part 2 and Part 3 . In it, he discusses how companies often model manufacturing and supply chain systems using deterministic …
I was fortunate to attend the GT Nexus user conference this week in Hollywood Florida (GT Nexus is a Kinaxis strategic partner ). I sat in on a panel discussion on how ERP data can be extended to global partners, and why this matters. One of the …
At Kinaxis, I help our customers develop solutions to supply chain and project management challenges using RapidResponse. You may remember in my last blog entitled, “ Another Link in the Chain: Connecting Project Management to the Supply Chain ”, I …
Supply Chain Digest’s graphic of the week last week is from the 2013 Gartner Supply Chain Study. It shows various initiatives that supply chain leaders feel passionate about like integrated business planning, government mandates, talent management, …
I saw this post over at the Sourcing Innovation blog. It links to an excellent article with the catchy title of “ Don’t let this happen to you! ” on Supply and Demand Chain Executive . It brings to the forefront thoughts I’ve been having over the past …
There's been a lot of talking lately about off-shoring and on-shoring. My colleagues Monique Rupert and Trevor Miles have both weighed on this subject. You can view their posts here . There was an interesting article in Industry Week last month suggesting …
The sixth in our SupplyChainBrain video interview series features Thomas LeBlanc, master scheduler at Varian Semiconductor . These videos are jam-packed with great content, and I highly recommend them. (Free registration is required to view them, but …
In this blog post, Catheleen Cziszler , a project manager at Kinaxis, writes about the collective lessons learned by the Kinaxis professional services team over the course of numerous deployment initiatives. Through a multitude of deployment projects …
I was looking through my Google reader feed last week (what better thing to do on a Friday afternoon?) and came across a post by “the doctor” that pointed to an article that came out late last year on the Enterprise Apps Today site. The article was titled …
[caption id="" align="alignright" width="240" caption="education (Photo credit: Sean MacEntee)"] [/caption] A co-worker and I, both supply chain veterans for over 20 years, are delivering supply chain training to a mix of new hires and more experienced …
Like many people, the other week I tuned into the Grammy Awards. I was partly driven to see how Whitney Houston was memorialized there, as undoubtedly others were. The show had its highest ratings since 1984—and its second-largest ever—attracting 39.9 …