2497-2508 of 2531 items
Do you have a smart phone? A tablet or iPad? No? Then you are rapidly becoming amongst the minority. The mobile revolution is here. Walk down the aisle of a plane or through an airport and you’ll see as many tablets as laptops. Mobile devices started …
I just re-read a great blog post from last holiday season titled, “ The Supply Chain Manager as Super-Hero ” posted to the Supply Chain Expert Community . Visions of Spiderman and the Green Hornet raced through my head, but given that we are in the …
As those of you who have read this blog may have gathered…I’m a bit of a geek. I recently decided that my home computer system needed replacement so I did what any geek would do…I gathered parts over several weeks and built myself a new computer. While …
I was reading an interesting article a while back in Bloomberg Business Week by Victoria Taylor titled Supply Chain Management: The Next Big Thing? The article highlighted the emerging trend by undergraduates in seeking supply chain management studies, …
I presented a couple of sales and operations planning (S&OP) workshops at our Kinexions user conference this week. One of my sessions focused on how the ability to “connect” supply and demand planning in S&OP can result in faster and more accurate S&OP …
It continues to be common that some business processes, including supply chain management, are supported by “user” developed applications that are outside of the formal systems supported by the Information Technology (IT) organization. These user …
I recently read an article titled, Eight best practices for supply chain outsourcing . It explained how some companies have adopted these best practices while others have struggled. It boils down to outsourcing the right process to the right partner and …
I came across an interesting article today on the Spend Matters blog titled, Toyota: Rebuilding and Fortifying a Global Supply Chain (Part 1) , which was discussing the steps that Toyota was taking to insulate its supply chain against future risks from …
An interesting article on Supply and Demand Chain Executive entitled, ‘ Global and Green’ talks about the five emerging trends required for a sustainable supply chain. Please read the article for the details but in summary they are: The closed loop …
Here's part 2 on increasing the effectiveness of your executive S&OP meeting. Check out part 1 . The effectiveness of the executive S&OP meeting is limited by the capabilities of the tool used to present the plan. Many companies use Excel to drive the …
We reached a major milestone on the Supply Chain Expert Community this month: 5,000 members. As the manager of the community, I’m thrilled to see us reach that landmark. But it’s even more rewarding to see the levels of engagement within the community …
The headline in this Reuters article jumped out at me. “Big-name brands sourcing from polluting China firms”. Wow. I would hate to be those guys. Why? Because people don’t see the distinction between the company that owns the brand and the company that …